This is the WORST "fighting game" that I've ever played. The mechanics are made by a team of people who most likely got dead last in fighting games and thought they would make a game that they could play and win. The game gives you "revenge" systems, such as if you're losing you can easily come back with little to no skill. And don't even think your good enough to fight the AI because it will take every moment to fight back against you. It will parry when you attack, and move just out the range of your attacks when they can and counter you. They seem to be constantly stronger than you no matter what, and all of their gauges refill faster than yours ever could. Not to mention there are times where they'll stop your combo mid getting hit and turn it back on you. And yes while you can do the same to them, they'll just do it again, and again, and again. For however long they need to. And all of the cut scenes look like they were made in SFM. no wait those are even better than this! And if you still aren't winning just buy the DLC those characters have no artificial damage limits. Yeah! Every other character has a set damage they can do in one string of combos, or per one single attack, or the length of the combo. Yes that's right you can only juggle the enemy for 7 whole hits....yes you can't even combo like in tekken or do massive damage like in Samurai Showdown. Also if you or the enemy move too much the Camera/physics will wonk out and you won't be able to continue your combo. Additionally, if your J-skill hunting, be ready to do every mission at least 3 times. Because just like in Xenoverse 1 & 2 Your rewards are random! Cuz that's even more fun right? And don't forget side missions to get these are all unlocked based upon THE ENTIRE GAME'S ROSTER'S LEVELS. Meaning that no matter how hard you try, you won't be able to get the better ones till you level certain characters. But don't care about that cuz to get everyone's J-skills you have to get to level 100 with every character anyway. Because that's when they let you get them all, yeah then, and not having it evenly mixed throughout the game. Additionally the missions names are un-original, the moves are just random phrases, and it seems like the creators barley knew the anime's they were making this game out of. The only thing good about this game is the graphics, so yeay for the Unreal 4 engine because the game looks visually great and the characters, clothes, and scenery are well done....unless you go to a map with a lot of obstacles, in which case the game will lag hard. In total, Never buy this game, and if given this as a gift you should immediately stop associating with whomever gave this to you, because they want to see you in the worst pain imaginable.