It's an absolutely wonderful film. I was bawling the entire time. Everything about it was marvelous. The actresses, the cinematography, the way it catches and holds your attention... the way it moves you. This film took me through ups and downs, thinking about my life and struggles. It's a film that not only makes you see the hard, gut-wrenching truth about racial segregation back then but also how everyone was trapped. Women who were objectified from left to right. Wives who can't speak for themselves or have any opinions... or even if they did, couldn't speak their truth (such as Skeeter's mother or Ms. Leefolt). Tied in with the intensity of emotions is the realization that we live in a world where intersectionalities keep people oppressed. Not only are you a person of color, but you are also a woman; you are also a wife tied down by an abusive husband with children to care for.
The Help is one of those films that makes you feel deeply, and I believe that people need more of those moments these days.