Very wonderfully crafted.
Lot of efforts have been made to show pottery, architecture , the great bath, upper city, lower city, the mother goddess, seals, etc etc a lot of things.
Goverikar has done his best to show such a wonderful civilization in the disguise of love story to make the story informative as well as pleasing at the same time.
In the end the after the flood , the drowning dancing girl, seals are very beautifully crafted. Even the minute details like wheels of chariot are solid are taken care of . In between to bring the discussions of lothal, Sumerian civilization, Gold presence, making of boats,lepis lizvi, seal for entry to upper house etc etc had been very tough for the story writer.Great job by the story writers.
After seeing the recent Kerala floods, Uttarakhand (cloud burst)crisis, the reason of flood of destroying the Mohenjo-daro seems convincing.
Great job Ashutosh Goverikar and his entire team.
And thanks bring out the civilization on celluloid.