3.5/5 Stars:
All the way through this book, I weighed the rating 3 or 4?
I pondered what type of book this was...mystery , romance, other, as it was often difficult to tell which category the author intended. I decided it didn’t matter as we are all who we are based on our many life experiences, and those don’t categorically fit into one type of box.
Secondly, the business of the adoption unification agency that called her. No agency would randomly place a letter from a possible adopted child (without even a name of the child on the letter) in a persons file without verification that it was actually linked to this person. This was an extremely weak beginning that the whole book flowed from. This seems extremely lazy. The author needed to develop a stronger foundation.
Some of the romance portion was overkill and could have been omitted.
The main character certainly had some psychological issues of her own that needed to be addressed. I understand that they originated from marital abuse and her child being taken from her.
But in the end, it all comes down to the premise if I enjoyed the book and would I read another of the series. The answers were Yes and possibly, so I rounded the 3.5 up to a 4.star review. However, I really feel that the author needs to spend a little more time in making the story more plausible all around.