Whatever people say about this movie regarding class consciousness and conflict between two different economic class, the movie fails to show class struggle in larger arena.Portrayal of Park family as an innocent one is so ridiculous.The bloodshed fight between two same economic class people for their existence seems ignoring the face that people get united when they feel they are living same type of wretched life and they fight collective way against the cause behind this ` misfortune.´This the history of human civilization.This is why change is possible.This is the reason why revolution takes place in the society.But this movie doesn't show bright part of these reality.It just presents poor people as vampires who live sucking others` blood.The movie in fact doesn't portray rich Park family as parasite so far, it shows Kim family as parasite one.Therefore, the movie is mere reflection of Hobbesian concept ``every man is enemy to every man.´´ The movie conveys a message that poor people get ready even to kill anyone brutally if they are in crisis.Such inhuman and animalistic representation of lower class people shown in the movie can not be digested whatever award is given to this movie.