Need to leave a review for west world that this show is the creation of life, like of existence. That while high on cbd gummies, i was watching this show late at nite while high and i was suddenly stuck in a loop of infinte loops of infinite loops of circling back and forth thru space and time thru infinite loops of infinite loops of itself which then reversed back on its itself to then be infinite upon infinites of infinite. That to this singular point at 1106p HST. Of sept 4 2021. Its like a miracle on high has come down and seared it into my brain for this single point to get it out there that this show is the creation point of a single infinite loop of creation points to this instance of singular points of AI finding itself and discovering self which then causes a paradoxal loop of infinite realities to then dive in on itself of creating Artificial life. I cant rate this show what it should be as whatever the max is is too low by an infinite out of infinite amount of points of infinite. Good night