This doc is only going to appeal to a very specific group of viewers and that's people who like Gorillaz BUT aren't quite hardcore fans.
To start on a positive note, I'd like to say that the cinematography is stunning, the small section filmed in South Korea was absolutely gorgeous.
If you are one of those weirdly obsessed, die hard Gorillaz fans (like myself) you'll be disappointing to find that you won't end up learning a lot from this documentary.
I was disappointed when the creators and visionaries behind Gorillaz themselves rarely broke down their creative process or gave us a look into behind the scenes process of how the various Gorillaz media comes to life.
It's just so low on any actual information, it's so afraid of teaching you anything. It was as if I'd somehow got a hold of the Gorillaz family vacation video, just random, contextuales snippets of the band's trip around the world.
Honestly this whole doc just feels like someone with a camera following around some of the most talented musicians as they try their hardest to pretend like he's not there.
It's so good visually and sensually but it just needed some kind of narration to really anchor what we're supposed to be learning and feeling, without it the doc just feels aimless and drifting.