This truly is exception writing. A captivating and thrilling piece of viewing and brought together through the delivery and illustrating the Life of , one James, McKenzie Alexander, Fraser a true Hylander, and along with, Claire Beecham Randle, later to become Clare (mcKenzie) Fraser. Claire, an English women, with her own history of pain, war and cruel and unusual twists of fate and then reminds us of the circles which intersect through all our lives. As this serpent windes sinuously through out their years together.
with as much love of life as he has dedication, honesty it's shared with equal helpings of passion, commitment and compassion.
One of the best reads I've surfed in many years. Congratulations, Dianna, Gabadon, you bought my Daugter and I together in yet another way. In each other's company and bound us closely together in love. Together with understanding ,openness, revelation, sadness, acceptance, heart break, joy and happiness.
Claire and Jamie continue on the path which is their life. A story told, through journey with richness, inspiration and empathetic to this period in history. ........A story, surprising journey of two souls.
These characters live in my private world of thoughts.
~ Thank you, Donna Maroniti