Many things that seemed like jokes were actual things that had happened.
This is more a historical Docummentary than most people viewing this film today can imagine. Great acting. Reminds me of many things I've seen before... Like Disney's education for death (1943) in the movie scene when JoJo is told to kill the rabbit... And very much the Diary of Anne Franks. The only part I had a complaint about was I think NO German village escaped allied bombing by the time the village in the film subcomes to the Russian invasion... And curious to know which villages retreated from Russian occupation so the US force could take over occupation... I am not fimiliar with many other than West Berlin. Over all very informitive and good film. It is a thinking film for those who think war and destruction should be the only way of life in America today. The film looks past the glizt and Glory of War and Uniforms and shows the deaper mening of what General Sherman once said, "War is Hell". And Peace is not to be over rated.