I absolutely love this game and it's scenery. Somehow it manages to run around 60 fps even though every little thing is so detailed and robots are constantly being loaded in and tracked around the map. It is fun to play with friends but not as fun on your own, as sometimes you could be scared out of your mind on your own while with three or four people you could feel more confident and make more strides. Playing on your own can make you feel small to these massive robots that tower over you and have way better weaponry. But being aware of what you are doing and making good decisions can make you easily take out even the hardest of robots. I love how qwerky the bike mechanics are and how funny it can be riding with a friend and seeing them flop over.
One major problem I have encountered was I had a character that was nearly max level and had played on so much just be deleted with all my other characters on the same account. I don't know if this was because I was playing on a different account and something happened to the files or because of something related to the Xbox one.
Overall the team at generation zero had being working so hard to fix the bugs and have done a great job.
Also could you please add the menu music into the game a bit more - a generation zero fan