Should have been sold as an arcade game for £20 then a £70 full game as it truly feels it’s like that as where do I begin. The graphics seem like they were for Xbox 360, the gunplay and controls are absolutely shocking, the ai is terrible, the story so far has been a massive let down, the open world seems copy and pasted, there is no mini map to help you know where your going in the world so I’m constantly walking into walls, the enemies are terrible. The only good thing is it’s 4 player coop even then we are walking into glitches in which we need to restart the game.
This game should have been delayed for 3 or 4 years and I’m truly glad for game pass as if I wasted £70 on this game I be demanding my money back no matter how long I played it. It’s on the same level as Cyberpunk maybe even worse. But at least I wasn’t as hyped up for it like I was with cyberpunk.
This game is like a decade behind just like Afghanistan is a decade behind the remainder of the world.