This is one of THE best family dramas ever produced for tv whether in English, Swedish or any other language. The characters speak to us of today's problems, today's crazy, mixed-up families and our efforts to weld a cohesive loving whole out of the entire polyglot mix.
I speak for my own bonus, bi-racial, multi-religious or non-religious; educated, not so educated; wealthy, not so much -family. This show hits a bull's eye!
Folks, whoever you are who produced this gem as well as, you, the talented actors who make this dramatic work come alive please have it come back for a fourth, fifth, sixth? season.
I wouldn't mind if you take a deserved break. Let Eddie and Wille grow up. Find a sweet Down's syndrome child for the new little one..But we, your fans out here,all over the world, are looking forward to seeing you back in perhaps three years? NO LATER! Please???? E Miller, Eugene, OR USA