how is this a classic?? this movie is just sad and has a horrible plot; god where do i even begin???
first, it seems as (this movie) was just made for nostalgia points and nothing else.
everything in this movie, down to the plot points and narration, just seems like it's supposed to be relatable for those who were kids in the 1940s, too bad that was almost a century ago and now the movie is just depressing for us nowadays.
This movie also does a great job at portraying the worst parts of christmas. Isn't Christmas supposed to be about giving gifts and cherishing your friends and family? Nope, have a movie about getting punished for saying bad words that your parents taught you, getting your tongue stuck on a rusty metal pole, beating up kids, rude mall santas, and almost shooting your eye out with a bb gun.
NONE of the characters are likeable, and half of the movie is just listening to kids screaming and whining. It's especially ear-grating to listen to.
Also, the editing and music seems incredibly outdated low-budget despite being made by one of the huge movie developers. i know this was probably intended to emulate the feel of older movies, but once again, only old people will relate to those! And don't forget how the DVD master of this movie sounds so hilariously warped it feels like the film's gonna cartoonishly burst into flames.
Don't even get me started on how freeform plays this nothing but this movie on loop FOR 24 HOURS EVERY CHRISTMAS.