Some songs are OK / decent, the rest forgettable. It just lacks the usual oomph that Nightwish has. Just when you think a song is going to blow you away, it just simmers back down. And Troy is way too prevalent in too many songs. His instrument just isn't versatile enough but they shove it where it just doesn't fit.
The 2nd CD is surprisingly very boring. It's mostly background music. I really thought it would have given Two Steps From Hell a run for their money, but it just falls so flat in comparison, the final song is good but it's got prentious talking all over the best musical bits.
It's still really well made and a lot of effort has gone into the lyrics. But you need to be in a very very specific mood for them. Maybe it's an album I'll like more when I'm in my midlife crisis.
So despite it being their weakest album and dropping most of the songs from my playlist, you can't deny there's still a lot of talent involved, so i can't really rate it below 3.
While it's a pretty boring album overall, I'm sure Floor will make it worth seeing live with some of the notes she belts out in parts.