Today was the first day (the second of November, 2018) that I decided to watch The Shape of Water.
As a person who watches a variety of movies in all different genres frequently, I did not enjoy this movie. I found it quite.. disturbing, to say the least.
The female main character seems very sex-crazed, and in desperate need of a man (or in this case, anything walking with gills). I thought the man-fish was adorable, honestly - but it started to freak me out as soon as their relationship took off. I know the theme of this movie very well may be "opposites attract," and it's very similar to Beauty & the Beast... but it was taken a bit too far. The sex scenes, language, and overall interactions between the man-fish and main female character were a bit much. The only part of the movie I got excited about was when the evil guy got killed by the man-fish. Other than that, I find no way to relate to this movie. It is not romantic, at all, and it is definitely not emotional.
Other than the plot of the movie, I loved the music. I also loved the setting, how it was in a vintage 50s-60s era (something that I definitely admire). But, that's about it. Would I watch this movie again? Probably not. Am I weirded out? Yes.