This movie was simply horrible! I love animals and I was hoping that this was going to be great.......I was WRONG. This film is horrible. It says God's name in vain twice! That's not appropriate for younger kids to hear. Also, the racism is very strong in this movie with predators and prey (blacks vs white). I really don't recommend this movie to anyone. If you do watch this with a kid, warn them about the racism and telling your child or children that racism and saying God's name in vain is not okay. The movie is kinda cute, but very.........wrong. I'm not a parent, but my mom did teach me right from wrong and I am a Christian. I sound like I'm overreacting, but I assure you, you'll thank me later if your kid(s) gets punished at school for treating some who has different colored skin with disrespect. And you will also thank me when your kid(s) get sent to the office for saying God's name in vain. Anyway, I'm getting way off topic. My point is, be careful when you watch this.