Well Fallout 76 is dead huh i played 2 days after a year break and it has gotten worse and better this game i feel is dead to me i tried to come back but I can't the newer updates past Wastlanders killed it. I liked the high lvl areas and random enemies know its a basic bich game putting the game away. I get more enjoyment sadly from mincraft then this game. Any more i will say that if this was a fallout 5 game the dialog and stuff added lately is nicer but the game just feels boring to me what happened to chaos and everyone running around know all I see are camps and ppl doing nothing fallout first was a critical shot that crippled the game then wastelands brought it to life then you add a Score pass and Enemies are capped at your level its kinda dumb RIP fallout 76 died from Explosive Dumbness. I'm sorry but like my horse that broke its leg I gotta put you down.
2018-2019 and a 1/2