Does anyone know that old saying "it's not about the destination it's about the journey"? In this case that saying is highly overrated in this movie and it's bullcrap the way they did it. If that's the philosophy they were trying to teach kids, well they handled it poorly at least in my opinion . (Spoiler Alert!) I'm sorely disappointed by how they executed the ending when throughout the whole movie i was dying for Ian to meet his father. I was picturing him and his father having a man-to-man talk at least for just a few minutes about life or whatever, that would've been better. But no. All i got was a couple of seconds of his dad telling the wrong brother that he's proud of him? That's bullcrap and undeserving for the goofy idiot of a brother he has who came off more annoying than funny throughout the whole movie. All he did was nothing but make everything worse and put all the responsibility on his little brother. It shouldn't come to a surprise to him that everybody thinks he's a screw-up but at least he would redeem himself by giving his brother exactly what he wanted from the beginning. And I know, "Everything on the list he planned to do with his dad he already did with his brother." Hell, my grandmother could've done all that with me and i'd still want (what's the magic word?) CLOSURE with my dad. For God's sake, we're talking about a teenager who had a last chance to have a bonding relationship with his father. His REAL father, and he didn't get it. I will not watch this movie again and I will not recommend it to anyone unless they want to get the wrong idea about family.