I love this show, but starting to question the authenticity of the show and the experts... I’m disappointed in the experts this season who thought a guy who was just engaged 3 months ago was ready to... hop into a marriage. I feel so bad for Paige, she is so kind hearted and genuine and the experts robbed her of this experience, especially knowing some people would prefer to be married once and are looking for their forever. Yes, I know this is a ”social experiment,” but they, as “experts,” should know better in their vetting that Chris was not the right match for her or anyone. From the VERY 1st episode you could see he was not mature or ready to be in a marriage. How could “the experts” not see that... oh but they are making good television right? Idk about anyone else, but it makes me sick. I put myself in their shoes and it just makes me feel so upset for Paige. 3!!! Days in... come on... do better experts.