Words do not describe how incredibe GBYBR is, certainly the height of John's career with regards to sales, but by no means the peak of his musical release. John's catalog covers five decades worth of masterpieces, transcending several genres. Whether it is Captain Fantastic, Too Low for Zero, Sleeping with the Past, The One, or even the contemporary Diving Board and Songs from the West Coast. I digress, GBYBR is the epitome of musical ability, holding itself as a greatest hits album with everything from the iconic Bennie and the Jets, Candle in the Wind, GBYBR itself, and of course lesser known gems including, Harmony, and of course the epic Funeral for a Friend. The Dynamics of this album are incredible, whether it is the fast pace highs of Saturday Night or All the girls Love Alice or folksy nature of Ballad of Danny Bailey. In the end this is one that does not disappoint, top to bottom not a single stale place.