The uniquely named film "Angrezi medium" stars Irrfan Khan, Radhika Madan and Deepak Dobriyal. The former plays a father to Radhika. The film involves a story of a single father who likely seems dicey in his opinions and looks upon showering all the happiness on his daughter. The film beautifully depicts the bond of a father and his daughter which keeps the audience connected to the message portrayed.
During the first half the movie seems to be a bit slow and involves some unnecessary humor which might seem lame at times. In comparison to the first half of the movie, the second half is well scripted with acting on point. The final minutes leaves the audience teary-eyed. The trio of Irrfan Khan, Radhika Madan and Deepak Dobriyal is a must watch. Irrfan Khan returns with a bang and is best complimented by Radhika Madan and Deepak Dobriyal. Kareena Kapoor and Dimple kapadia are best in their roles. The acting factor uplifts the film in the best possible way.
Overall the movie is good, with a good message on parenthood and with excellent acting.