To be honest! This is Cinema! In Thamizh we say (வாத்தா இது தான் டா சினிமா). Cause this movie gave me hope to believe in cinema. The screenplay, the characterization, the politics, the story, the consequences, the edit, the music and every technical and creative aspect in a movie that convincingly aligned to satisfy every tamil human being in our earth. This movie made me believe in the tamil cinema industry. Actually the entire cinema industry. I'm unsure will I make to be a filmmaker in next twenty year's. If it does Jigardhanda double X takes a huge credit towards my future. Thank you director suburaj and the entire crew for making this happen. This film doesn't just make me trust in Film making and cinema but also makes me believe me in being a human being. Gald this movie got released and made many in the working line to survive in this planet.