Well....., I believe the movie wasn’t terrible, but wasn’t all that good neither. If you’re bored and want to watch an apocalyptic style movie watch it. The movie is very similar to The Quiet Place as you seen in the other comments. My problem with this movie is the fact that it had no real goal. The creatures are attracted by sound, so instead of being silent like the news told people, they thought it was a good idea to go north. They never really explained why north, or what they would do when they get north but north was the answer.
The Family then finds a temporary shelter which makes sense as most movies do. They then find a cult that says the girl is fertile. I mean the US is being attacked by sound hunting creatures, I don’t understand how that correlates to fertility that was never explained or brought up at any point.
The summary of the movie talks about the cult but the cult is only in the last 30 minutes, and their goal isn’t explained neither. They want to make babies, but the world is ending so how would this solve anything?
The movie itself is okay to watch if you want something to watch, but not all that good. It’s really pointless. A family that finds a shelter kills a couple people then nothing. There was no real goal in the movie. No survival tactics learned nothing. I feel like the writers of the movie just gave up in the middle of the movie.
If you want to watch it go ahead, if you don’t want to you’re not missing anything. Just watch the Quiet Place and you’ll be fine.