I love Alif Laila..one of the brightest childhood memory of DD1.
Sindbaj Zahaji was my most favorite hero and he is still my hero.Shahnawaj Pradhan Ji was unbeatable and born to perform this role. When Sindbad's story was completed and new story of Jalal Talib started, I cried a lot and was missing Sindbad badly.. Aladdin, Marjeena,storyteller princess Sheherzad,Princess Gajala were also my favorite,even devil characters Pinky Parikh as witch Mallika Tahuti and Kumar Hegde played the role of devil/magician who wished to forcefully marry princess Gajala were also very charming.
Love it's title song too..but we couldn't watch complete story. How Sheheryar treated Sheherzad at last and other 3 voyages of Sindbad.I am watching it again in Lock down.