The show is about a teenage witch whom on a quest to discover herself doesn't want to loose her humanity and love for her witch family and mortal (non-witch) friends.
The witchcraft in this show is portrayed the way it should be, dark, but then there's a flavor of fun and excitement to it that waters it down.
The first two seasons was brilliant but the third seemed to be written by interns. It was too playful, lackluster and the entire story lost its way. There was no sense of reality and some characters either popped up from nowhere or were underplayed like the Sabrina from the future and the Green-Man respectively. I hope good effort is put in the next season
Concluding, this is a good show to watch if you're a fan of supernatural power both spiritual (witches, vampires etc) and scientific (Thor, Black panther, Scarlett Witch, Dark Phoenix) like myself.
Before you see this, watch SALEM. It's an incredible show for witch lovers. It's witchcraft in true form.