I have to say that this is not just one of the best resident evil games ever made. When in my opinion it’s possibly one of the best games ever met beautiful story amazing graphics a great overall everything. I can’t tell you how many times my jaw dropped and I’m not even done with it. The direction they are taking this Trilogy of first person resident evil is the best thing to happen to video games in a very long time. Especially for the resident evil series. I’m playing it on the PS4 pro and I don’t even care that my fan is loud haha. I find myself exploring every inch of the game. I set it on the hardest difficulty to start with just so I can take longer with it. I have been a fan seance the resident evil that started out in the diner. Resident evil 4 will forever be one of the best things to happen to games and resident evil Village gives me that feeling that I got playing resident evil 4 for the first time. Wanting more at every turn sucked into the story. I genuinely hope Capcom continues this direction for a very long time.