I'm not the biggest fan of the Harry Potter films. They leave out a lot of things from the books.
This film is probably my least favorite. For one thing, they're almost always at the tent. I like seeing them at Hogwarts. I know that it's necessary, since they need to find the horcruxes in order to kill Voldemort, which leads me to why the Deathly Hallows book isn't my favorite. Same reason, though. And they have gone WAY TOO FAR based on Harry and Hermione's friendship. Like, they're dancing and holding hands like THEY'RE a couple or something.
Like, in all of the films, they always left out poor Ron. I assume it's because Steve Kloves, the screenwriter, hates Ron. Ron is one of the best characters in the books, but then in the movies, the only thing they got right was that Ron abandoned Harry and Hermione. No, no, no! Ron is NOT stupid or useless or the comedic relief!
Now, there were a few things that I liked. Like how they made me so sad when Dobby died. It was so heartbreaking. I think the Malfoy Manor scene was good, but that was only in the end.
Otherwise, it's just a random Harry Potter film that left out a lot of things.