Love the direction Nintendo took with this game. Hopefully this style of play gets carried forward in future Pokemon games. My personal pros n cons of this game after beating it.
- Pokemon catching mechanics is great.
- Travel forms of various Pokemon is fun to use as you traverse the different terrains.
- Pokemon size scaling is good in this game.
- Fun Pokemon boss battles with semi action-style gameplay was a nice touch.
- Lots of post-game missions and events to unlock.
-Shiny Pokemons are actually obtainable and more common in this game.
-Alpha pokemons are a nice in adding varieties to sizing. Just wished there were differences in stats of the alpha pokemons.
-local and online trading
-crafting in this game is a nice touch
-Bland and linear storyline.
-Battle system in this game is broken bad. You are either going to 1 hit kill or your opponent is going to 1 hit kill you most of the time.
-Limited movesets and strategy.
-Ugly and empty world to discover.
-Boring and uninspiring side missions.
-Graphical and audio glitches throughout the game. Ugly wild pokemon animations especially from afar.
-No online pokemon battles
-Stupid menu controls and bag size. Menu controls and moving items around is very manual in this game. You'll find yourself constantly having to reorganize your bag with huge empty spaces in between items. Even after expanding your bag size you'll constantly run out of space to store items as explore and grab raw materials.
It's a decent game and a nice change of direction for Pokemon. 3/5 for me.