Bunch of old crows judging truly talented and wonderful young ladies based on mostly looks and seemingly skin colour and height too. These old ladies were never subject to such brutal standards. I get they want to be the best team of cheerleaders but for God sake, driving a bunch of women to injury, eating disorders and mental health issues is NOT what makes a good team.
I hope any men that watch this show realise this isn’t inspirational or normal or attractive. It’s actually tragic and I feel so sorry for all of the strong, smart and enduring ladies who are fighting so hard for what they want, only to be paid next to nothing, while the saggy, resentful and greedy witches take advantage of them. You could be Princess Diana and they’d have something to criticise.
It’s an unintentionally eye-opening documentary into this money-making and exploitative cult that uses toxic positivity and God to downplay the twisted treatment these girls face. As a God fearing woman myself, I have to wonder, would our Lord not be looking down on these troubled young women with worry and sorrow?
I believe these young women know deep down how awful they’re treated and that they deserve so much better, and I hope one day they’re able to admit that. We’re more than just slabs of meat to appeal to men, we don’t need to be perfect, those older women judging you every day certainly are not.