God this is so awful. Dreadful plot lines which are really unbelievable and the characters are weak.
The drunk son, meaningful and pained looks from the daughter in law, cranky old man running the place who just walks around being angry, whipping his son or belittling everyone else for not trying to ‘save’ the station, children who’ve no idea, bullying crook, dodgy brother, stereotypical corporate bully.
The station is apparently in so much debt but people are driving around on unlimited fuel, not really doing any work, washing cars with hoses in the outback, flying helicopters for god knows what reason.
Lots of talk about trying to save the station but nothing’s happening! Everyone seems to be walking around in circles.
I can’t finish watching it as it’s rubbish. Such a shame as I love Robert Taylor.
Gorgeous scenery which is the one star.