This show brings a lot of nostalgia. I remember watching this show on Nickelodeon when I was younger and now its on Netflix. Watching this show as a whole series has brought a new perspective to this show. I do still enjoy it because of the memories. However, the way the girls, especially Rikki, treats Lewis who is always helping the girls is so rude. I start to dislike all the characters really from time to time because they abuse their powers and just become bratty and immature. Cleo is a jealous freak and invades Charlotte's personal space. The writers make Charlotte an evil person when I could see where she was coming from and could empathize with her. Charlotte was nice in the beginning and just wanted friends. Rikki and Cleo never gave her a chance. Emma is the only one that is grounded and level headed that didn't make me mad at the main girls. Season 3 was so weird that they got rid of Emma and replaced her with Bella. No mention of Emma even though they're supposed to be best friends with the three lockets. Season 3 also ruined Rikki and Zane, which I did like. Ash is never mentioned. So many characters are just written off and never mentioned. Wish Emma returned in Season 3 or at least made visits. It's just weird that there is a new girl/mermaid. Also no minority groups represented in this show. I wish there was more diversity.