I had a great time at the #MorbiusSweep in the theater tonight. The theater was so packed that I spent the entirety of the film standing because I couldn’t find a seat. Despite this, I was treated to 70 minutes of pure cinematic perfection; with incredible action, acting, VFX, writing, along with every subtle detail, character moment, and tone change. Jared "Morbussy" Leto did an amazing job in this film! He brought his amazing acting as the guy from Fortnite in Suicide Squad into Morbius. Jared’s stunts would make Keanu Reeves salivate and his humor slaps as hard as Chris Rock. My favorite part is when the Morbster himself intensely screamed, “Imma go morbz on you fools!”. It genuinely an incredibly moving scene with so much excellent buildup. I especially loved the Stan Lee cameo (Dead Body #4) and the reference the guy from Fortnite (Venom Skin #2). Despite this, by far the best scene in the movie was when Sexy Batman and the Morbster have a very long and passionate kissing scene with movie director Martin Scorsese. When Jared Leto said, "You wouldn’t like me when I’m hungry", I bolted up in my seat----- my heart was beating out of my chest, I was too scared to move but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the screen. When Morbius started to transform I screamed out, “NOOOOOOO!!!!”, and all the other Morbsters joined in, our cries echoed in the dark theater, but don’t worry he survived, and we all let out a collective sigh of relief. Oh yeah, the post credits scenes makes me very excited for the sequel titled “MOREbius” and the threequel titled “MOSTbius”; I will surely be in the theater day #1 for these masterpieces. I don’t want to say too much, I wouldn’t want to ruin it for you guys!
My only two Complaints:
- FIRST COMPLAINT. WHY WAS THIS FILM NOT 6 HOURS LONG!?!? My heart yearns for MOREbius and more Michael Keaton (Sexy Batman) content. OMG WAS THAT A SPOILER!!! I am a little confused on how Jared's Morbussy and Joker exist in the same America, but hopefully on my 14th watch this weekend I’ll be able to find some kind of easter egg to help me figure it out.
- SECOND COMPLAINT. Due to the sheer hundreds of people crammed to see this movie, my local theater showed it in every available showing room. Despite this, I was still standing shoulder to shoulder as I watched this movie. Unbelievable, I know.
Anyways my fellow Morbangsters, that’s all I have to say for this one. I would definitely recommend this masterpiece of a movie for small children.
Overall Rating: 100000000000000000000000/10