I love HP/FBeast movies, but this was not their best effort. It was very disjointed; jumping all over the place. I thought maybe that was supposed to be part of the ‘don’t be predictable’ theme, but it didn’t work if that was it. The very important Credence story arc simply fizzled out, not even a whimper. No closure. I would have liked to have been in on the conversation between Credence and Aberforth at the end there. Was Queenie imperioused and it slowly wore off? I missed Tina. That was sadly, due to JK’s temper tantrum, but Tina was missed and shame on JK. The biggest problem was Grindelwald. They made no attempt to have the character look the same. They did it right with the change of Dumbledores. What happened here? As a viewer it was difficult to see him as Grindelwald; his hair should have been blond and sticking up, where was his mustache and his albino like skin tone, you could hardly see the blue/brown eyes difference, That is Grindelwald to us-new actor or not. Can you imagine if 3rd year Dumbledore suddenly didn’t have a beard or grey hair and he wore pants vs gowns? Of course not! I even confused Grindelwald with the German head of Magic once or twice. A few things were simply unexplainable, like what was the point in giving Jacob a fake wand? Loved the deer creature, of course. REALLY didn’t like the look of Grindelwald-really took away his character. And made for a poor transition between actors. My whole family was quite bummed. Maybe I’ll like the movie more once I’ve seen it 5-6 times and clearly know which person is Grindelwald. Overall disappointed. But I love the magical world of HP and FB.