I’m not a huge gamer but one game that I always made time to play is Assassin’s Creed series I have played every single game that has came out with to date. True Fan!
AC story lines and their continues mission’s that creates hours of continuous game play is what really sold me into this franchise. This is the first time that I completed a AC game disappointed. I felt the amount of work they put into this game was a 1/3 of what prior AC games were. The actual game play was ok maybe close to prior AC games but just lacked additional content. It really felt this could have been big enough for an add-on to an existing AC game.
If you are considering buying this game I would wait a few months to get one used for half the cost and know this is a game that you can get through in 40hrs or less. I hope that the next AC to come out in the future has a bigger story mode similar to Valhalla, Origins, etc…