I've played all the Final Fantasy games since I was a kid. Not used to the non RPG, but I do believe this game is incredible in it's own design. You cannot beat the game in 5 hours, I've tried and realized I was not even half way done. I love how the story is. The game is mainly cinematic but I believe it was for a reason that Square enix did this. IT IS ABOUT THE STORY. Don't get me wrong the fighting was amazing, but it was too easy. If they added a little of the things that made Final Fantasy what it is, I would give it a 10/10, but it is lacking such. If they had secret bosses, hidden loot, status effects and some what a challenge when it came to fighting, the game would of been perfect. I give this game on just character development and story a 7/10. I hope this helped everyone and I have completed the game.