Long live France by supporting the Yellow Vest Movement.This film is not the France we see today because they arent wearing the Yellow Vest's and being run over by the macronie's, i have not seen the film im just here to speak my opinion and support for the brave Yellow Vests of France just know that Vive La France will only survive if you join the resistance. Macron was elected by the people has an outsider,He's a liar no suprise - Macron is a Globalist scum bag who whilst being a Globalist Scum Bag worked in Rothchild Banking so he has expertise in Robbing the people for his pathetic Narcissism. The people of France need to put their selves in this idiots shoe's and think what will he do next to stop The French People, he has so far obviously told the police to use gas gas and more gas and many French people know that this Tear Gas they are using is much stronger than gas normally used by police. macron will no doubt have topped the water supplies up with fluoride like Hitler did in the concentration camps to dumb down and make the prisoners docile. Sounds far fetched but they have been doing it for years and its open knowledge. Yellow Vest's be Vigilant and Stay Strong, Your a Shining light of Hope in alot of our Hearts, I just wish more people would rise up. We are with you in Spirit GILETS JAUNES !!!