This is groundbreaking television. There is an honesty and truthfulness that is here in this program as Jerrod Carmichael seeks to dig deep and truly grow up/change.
I found myself connecting his work to very very early Richard Pryor who was also quite frank about his sexual eagerness and sexual experiences during his years in California.
Additionally - the themes in this program stand true for any adult growing into their truth. At some point your parents will not agree with your lifestyle, at some point you will disappoint your childhood friends, at some point you will disappoint yourself as you pursue long term relationships.
What you choose to do with those experiences - both in the short and long term is what transforms you into a whole human being.
He has taken a bold step to stand in that truth and share it with us all -
For me this is what this show is about and with the vacuum of real discussions of the human condition on tv/streaming platforms - It's magical.
(It Never Disappointed!0