I don’t know if all the great reviews on here are people being paid to do so because this show is a disgrace to Tolkien, Peter Jackson, and the LOTR Universe.
The plot and dialog appears to be made by a middle schooler who is turning in a movie project the night before it’s due. The elves are made to look childish and stupid. When in reality they are 1000 year old creatures that are supposed to be very skilled in combat and smart. The need to have Asian elves and African elves, dwarves, and hobbits in the show is rediculous considering they are not humans from earth.
The battles are very dumb and do not have any of the LOTR epicness.
For the most part the acting is sub par.
I can’t believe Amazon wasted so much money on a show that had so much potential but ended up being the biggest cinematic failure of our age.