I have 23 years of Catholic schooling. This includes 4 year of Theology at the Gregorian University in Rome. A fair amount of my reading has been and is on God and church.
I am also a married Roman Catholic Priest.
I agree with many comments that mention how often movies about God are - for want of a better word for me - “soapy” or wanting in “depth”. I have also turned off any when I found out they were trying to “convert” me.
But “An Interview With God” was deep theologically and related well our wavering journey toward God. It touched on real questions many of us have with God.
To me, every, and I mean every, actor was well chosen and effective in their presentations. Of course the 2 main characters presented our “back and forth” with God superbly.
My wife and I were going through previews to find something to watch. She was going to skip on to the next one, but she’s glad we didn’t. While the movie was entertaining, it was much more. We are going to recommend it to our family and others.
It is a further benefit that all proceeds will go to charity. (Some to much needed foster care if I caught that right.)