Critics hate it, with justification. The fact the audience likes it more, is evidence of the decaying moral fibre of this society, not to mention education. This is easily one of the worst films I've ever seen. I am someone who doesn't mind violence (in context!) and 4-letter words. I walked out of this hot mess feeling like I'd been assaulted and needed a shower. It's vile, filthy, vulgar, depressing, and technically bad to boot - the script is trite, cliche-ridden, unbelievable, disorganized, amateurish and pointless. (I say that as a pro writer and editor, btw...) There are a few decent performances, where the performers seem to be as confused as we are. Maybe this is what happens when you try to turn a violent comic into a (cough!) serious film; it just doesn't work. People were actually walking out of this trash. As for female "empowerment" - as a woman, if "empowerment" means you kill someone (including your own loyal husband, whom you claim to love) as brutally, casually, and easily, as a male thug, well..... count me oppressed and happy to remain so, thanks.