I don’t know if it’s because I was high that’s why the ending never made sense but okay so basically:(SPOILER) Christian tells Hardin that he is his actual father so Hardin gets mad ends up running across the road, Kimberly(I think) also tells Tessa who hardins real dad is so she starts running across the road they eventually meet halfway and then they like just end up kissing and hugging but I thought the whole seen was suppose to be about Hardin having a meltdown because he’s been mad at the wrong man this whole time and stuff….the book is amazing and even though the movie tried I just couldn’t connect with it I was stoic throughout the whole movie because it just didn’t add up like they were just very very toxic all they did was fight and when they did speak it was through someone else or whatever like in the book Harry tried I kept forgiving him regardless of how rude he was because he tried but in the movie she kept running after him regardless of the fact that he was wrong ….the movie won’t make sense if you haven’t read the book and that’s a bummer because I no how amazing the book is so when I try to hype the movie up people don’t agree with me because they can’t see the depth of tessas and hardins relationship….