My bestie recommended me to see this film and i have learned some lessons by seeing this movie...The female charecter vaishnavi in this film is an immaturegirl who gave her personal space to the second actor 'viraj' telling him "best friends". Firstofall i dont believe in boy friendships... In this film too we can see vaishnavi falls for viraj why because he is rich and she hangsout with him in the name of "bestfriends". Viraj, who doesnt know vaishnavi has a boyfriend falls on her beauty and expected that he always has a chance to be her boyfriend and he waited for that chance and impressed her in all the way he can.. He loved her truly actually to make her as his partner. The mistake of vaishnavi in this film is her immature charecter, not understanding others feelings, falls for money,confused decisions,lack of communication.she also never understood anand's feelings, his problems etc. She was selfish and never loved anand like he loved her. Its not her situation that made do it... It is only because of her stupid brain which never thought what she was doing is right or wrong..!!if she at once told viraj that she has a boyfriend, problems wont turn this high too
The male charecter anand has got his karma in the end for treating his mother before her death without patience and love.
Everyone in this world will get their karma in one way or another way is the fact. The only big mistake anand done was that he never treated his mother with love and that regret he will have in his entire life!