The author of this work, which actually laid the foundation for a new direction in the framework of structuralism, is a prominent French philologist A. Greimas. Relying on the classic works of F. De Saussure, R. Jacobson, C. Levy-Strauss and, to a special extent, W. Propp, involving in the course of his presentation the works of E. Suryo and many other modern researchers, as well as the work of J. Bernanos as material for special study, the author gives a detailed account of his own so-called actant theory, devoted to the structural-semantic analysis of the literary text.
The book is intended primarily for specialists in the field of linguistics, philology, philosophy, cultural studies, but, without any doubt, it will attract the attention of all those who are interested in such a multifaceted phenomenon as structuralism.
(Trans. of Goodread)