Boring. The fighting is so stupid and monotonous, and the controls are too twitchy. There is 0 variety to movements - just keep hitting the attack and dodge button. Ugh. My dog could use the controller to fight just as effectively in this game. If you win against a boss, at least relatively early on, it’s either pure luck or you managed to stay awake long enough to run the sa, stupid moves against them for long enough.
And then they start layering the mini-bosses on top of each other- I found myself groaning each time a new one showed up, ‘cause I knew I would have to mash the same stupid button for 10 minutes.
The story is too broken up and dependent on looking at a stupid peg board in the Belfry. The graphics are good, but it doesn’t make up for a really poor gameplay experience. I didn’t by an animated series, I bought an interactive game.
My suggestion - don’t waste your money. They just didn’t deliver with this one.