Hmm, where did all the reviews go? Why, within a few hours, did the audience ratings of this go up from 34% to 65%? Seems fishy. I don't have the time to layout why I believe MJ is innocent at the moment but I will be back eventually. I'm 16 and I've been heavily investigating these allegations and boy, is there a lot to consider! SHAME ON YOU IF YOU BELIEVE A ONE-SIDED HIT PIECE AND REFUSE TO DO ANY OTHER IN-DEPTH RESEARCH BEFORE YOU CONDEMN MICHAEL JACKSON FOREVER WHEN HE IS NO LONGER HERE TO DEFEND HIMSELF. Sorry, don't mean to shout. I'm not shouting. I just need to say this. Someone needs to say this. I have done HUNDREDS of hours of research on these allegations. I can't lay out all the facts right now. I have a serious illness and schoolwork to do. But all I ask is that you heavily look into this. Understand Michael. Study him. Listen to him. Listen to his family. Study Wade and James. Look into their backgrounds. Look at what people who knew Michael for several years have to say, like Karen Faye. Look into the 1993 and 2005 allegations. DO YOUR RESEARCH.Why are these claims mimicked from Victor Gutierrez? Is no one going to talk about the lies and inconsistencies in this, which you would find by doing proper research? Look at both sides. That's all I ask. That should at least be fair. As I said before, I will be back. With facts. With lots of suspicious information. But that's all I ask. No one should take the words of serial liars like Wade Robson without fact-checking and skepticism. No, I am not a blind fan. No. Fans have done homework FOR YEARS. This "documentary" is meant to be one sided and emotionally manipulative. Also don't forget how they had YEARS to cook this up. Ok, that's all for now. Will be back. If Google deletes this, then I know for sure there is a serious agenda to take down the legacy of Michael Jackson.