A great read. I’m really surprised by the negative reviews. Although a departure from King’s mystic leanings not at all unprecedented in his writings. I found the characters compelling, complex and for the most part believable. I very much enjoyed it.
Side note: For all Kings research and knowledge of other matters; I find it baffling that after he has written scores of novels with guns in them, SK still knows so very little about them or their users. The main character is a highly skilled, military trained sniper. He gets a gun (basically a hunting rifle) he’s never fired with a scope he’s not sighted in using ammo he hasn’t shot or even inspected. A common hunter wouldn’t do this and any/every person who has ever shot at range knows this. Were he pressed to take a quick shot under bad circumstances like this, it may go okay but he has an enormous amount of time (months) and spends none of it working with the tool of his craft.
Easily over looked for an good story, but odd and far from first firearm related oversight by one of my favorite authors known for his epic research skills.