I love you guys I watch you every night I need to know a couple things a lot of people wanna know the same thing how come they don't go Joe Biden Nancy Pelosi Obama Hillary Clinton and all the other ones don't you think you merrikan people would like to know that which we do so if you can ax handy maybe he could spin it to us I know a lot of people that watch a show I love it I watch it every night but not one of you guys excess sentida how come then at present trodgers I don't get it you're going at the my president of the United States hes doing a great job he is not a politician is a business man the politicians or hiding things that's why they don't like them That's why they wanna get rid of him 911 happen I work there green half weeks donating my time I had federal license its way I could do it I watch the planes going what's the people jump watch American people die for nothing and these people are going at the my president they don't look at the Dail on state please tell me thank you God-bless America and thank you guys for being there