Characters in order of likability:
1.Sugar the dog
5.Scavengers who stole the ATM
6.The Gatorsâ„¢
7. Protagonist whose name I couldn't even care to remember. I just called her "whiny girl who despite being some sort of amazing swimmer just flails and doggy paddles everywhere" No actually, half of these injuries and problems she faced could have easily been avoided if she just ran instead of staring at the gators until they decided to attack her. She also either ignored her injuries the entire time or highly exaggerated them. Her dialogue throughout the whole movie was also just panting or screaming.
The dad was the only source of comedy relief, to be honest, but the whole movie was laughable in itself. That's not to say that it was poorly shot- I thought it was well made, but I couldn't make myself care about the final girl, she just came off as rude and whiny.