When I play the free demo of this game, I was instantly hooked in the game that made me want to buy the physical copy of the game. And when I started to play the game I can’t stop playing the game. It essentially made me addicted to this game. While I enjoyed the game as a whole, I do have some issues with it.
The Good:
CC2 did a phenomenal job with the cutscenes and combat of the gameplay. While there are some missing cutscenes most particularly like the Final Flash scene, I wish it was in the game itself. And also the “it’s over 9000” meme is not in this but it doesn’t bother me much. The combat is easy to pick up and play.
The OK:
Side quests in this game could be a hit or miss. While there are some generally good side quests there are side quests that have repetitive quests like finding items, protecting npcs, and fighting the same 3 type of enemies. I especially hate the quests for looking items, specifically finding items without a marker or a location on the map. If a player like me is relying on YouTube videos on where to find certain items, then you are doing something wrong. The time machine mechanic is good to relieve the Dragonball Z experience but it may be easy when your characters are on a higher lvl than every enemies and boss in the game. They should adjust the lvl of each enemy or boss like, Easy: lower the lvl by 5, Normal: The same lvl as you, Hard: Higher the lvl by 5 or 10. Something like that.The tutorials have wordy essay paragraphs that may seem overwhelming for the player to learn. I suggest they simplify these paragraphs into simple sentences or phrases that can get to the point of the controls easily. Frame rates can drop a bit at times during cutscenes and gameplay. I don’t know how fighting Dodoria as Vegeta in the Namek saga is somehow hard even though he easily man handle Dodoria in the anime. And fighting Freiza as Vegeta in the namek saga is somehow easy. Like how are they this inconsistent in terms of the power creep of each boss.
I hate these “air rings” where you collect z orbs. They can get annoying when trying to find items as I always find myself flying out of nowhere collecting z orbs. Speaking of out of nowhere are enemies, they can easily pop out when trying to find items. The grinding of exp can be repetitive and tedious and the only to farm it faster is to buy the “ a new power awakens set”. And I also hate that there is no special cutscene after beating a lvl 250 Towa. He is the secret boss after all.
It may seem that the game may have its flaws and problems, I still enjoyed the game nonetheless. If you are a Dragonball Z fan that wants to relieve the entire sagas of the series, I suggest to pick this game up and give it a try. Overall, I am giving DBZ Kakarot a solid 7/10. While the game is not Great or bad by any means, it’s still a good game nonetheless in your 1st sitting/play through.
I hope CC2 would see the problems of this game and improve it on a assumed sequel like DBS Kakarot or DBGT Kakarot. If they are making any sequels. Also we don’t need a Yu Gui Oh game like Dragonball Card Warriors in a open world RPG game.