Sacha Baron Cohen always has been signified as a Comedy Actor due to his Movies like Ali G, Borat & The Dictator & when I saw the trailer of The Spy with him as the Lead Actor, i thought I"ll can never see him in a Serious role, but after watching the whole series, I was wrong. Sacha Baron Cohen proved that he can also perform a Serious Role through his Stunning Performance as Eli Cohen, who's story as one of the Mossad's Greatest Spy was astonishing & always hooked us up. The series shows how he, astonishingly, was able to infiltrate the highest levels of the Syrian government and military by throwing wild parties and using his charisma and money to gain their trust. He used his position to obtain crucial intelligence about military installations in the Golan Heights that was said to have been a key factor in Israel’s successes during during the 1967 war until his Death. Everything from the tasks he performed as a Spy & the love he showed to his wife & his country was beautifully portrayed.
Everything in this Series was Great, Smooth & Amazing. It's a must watch & will give u a great thrilling ride into the world of espionage.